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@article{ Dierkes1986,
 title = {Whither corporate social reporting: is it time to legislate?},
 author = {Dierkes, Meinolf and Berthoin Antal, Ariane},
 journal = {California management review},
 number = {3},
 pages = {106-121},
 volume = {28},
 year = {1986},
 issn = {0008-1256},
 keywords = {Sozialbilanz; company's social costs; Unternehmen; enterprise; Unternehmensführung; business management; Management; management; Gesellschaft; society; Berichterstattung; reporting; Konzeption; conception; Modell; model; Erfahrung; experience; Praxis; practice; Information; information; Institutionalisierung; institutionalization}}