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@article{ Kocka1971,
 title = {Family and bureaucracy in German industrial management, 1850-1914: Siemens in comparative perspective},
 author = {Kocka, Jürgen},
 journal = {Business history review},
 number = {2},
 pages = {133-156},
 volume = {45},
 year = {1971},
 issn = {0007-6805},
 abstract = {This study analyzes the changing role of pre-industrial family and bu­reaucratic traditions in the development of Germany's leading electrical
manufacturing firm. The Siemens company developed a decentralized, multi-divisional structure ten to twenty years before duPont and General
Motors pioneered a similar organization in the  United States. The pre­industrial bureaucratic traditions, considered in a multi-national context, facilitated the development of efficient modem management in Germany and help explain  the relative success of German industry in the two
decades before World War I.},
 keywords = {Familie; family; Bürokratie; bureaucracy; Deutsches Reich; German Reich; Industriebetrieb; industrial enterprise; Management; management; 19. Jahrhundert; nineteenth century; 20. Jahrhundert; twentieth century; internationaler Vergleich; international comparison; historische Entwicklung; historical development; Großbetrieb; large-scale enterprise; Elektroindustrie; electrical industry; Unternehmensführung; business management; Konzern; trust}}