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@book{ Allmendinger2013,
 title = {Atypical employment in Europe 1996-2011},
 author = {Allmendinger, Jutta and Hipp, Lena and Stuth, Stefan},
 year = {2013},
 series = {Discussion Papers / Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung},
 pages = {77},
 volume = {P 2013-003},
 address = {Berlin},
 publisher = {Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung gGmbH},
 abstract = {To assess the influence of nonstandard employment for the labor market participation of different demographic groups, we provide detailed descriptions of the development of atypical employment in comparison to standard employment, unemployment, and economic inactivity between 1996 and 2011. In our analyses, we distinguish between fixedterm employment, solo self-employment, substantial part-time work (between 20 and 35 hours/week), and marginal part-time work (less than 20 hours/week). By simultaneously considering standard employment, atypical employment, and non-employment, we are able to assess the consequences of flexible labor markets for the economic integration of different population groups, such as women, the elderly, young people, or the low-skilled.},
 keywords = {Arbeitszeit; labor market trend; Europe; self-employment; international comparison; part-time work; Beschäftigungsentwicklung; Arbeitslosigkeit; Beschäftigungsform; type of employment; berufliche Selbständigkeit; Europa; Teilzeitarbeit; Arbeitsmarktentwicklung; internationaler Vergleich; employment trend; working hours; befristetes Arbeitsverhältnis; term contract; Flexibilität; unemployment; flexibility}}