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@article{ Naithani2010,
 title = {Recession and work-life balance initiatives},
 author = {Naithani, Pranav},
 journal = {The Romanian Economic Journal},
 number = {37},
 pages = {55-68},
 volume = {13},
 year = {2010},
 issn = {2286-2056},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Over the last six decades work-life balance emerged as an important human resource management aspect for employers. Globally, a wide gamut of work-life balance facilities is being provided by a large number of organisations. The recent economic downturn has witnessed a sudden interruption in the spread and growth of work-life balance facilities at the organisational level. This paper presents the key recessionary reasons which have negatively influenced employee work-life balance. Further, important recession specific benefits which organisations can avail due to enhanced employee work-life balance have been presented, followed by suggestions for adapting work-life balance facilities under current economic downturn as well as in any such situation in the future.},
 keywords = {Work-life-balance; work-life-balance; Rezession; recession; Folgen; consequences; Personalpolitik; personnel policy; Arbeitnehmerpolitik; industrial relations policy; Arbeitsplatzverlust; job loss; Arbeitszeit; working hours; Einkommen; income; Erwerbsverlauf; employment history}}