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@article{ Hedetoft2013,
 title = {Social inclusion: inaugural editorial},
 author = {Hedetoft, Ulf R.},
 journal = {Social Inclusion},
 number = {1},
 pages = {1-2},
 volume = {1},
 year = {2013},
 issn = {2183-2803},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {Social inclusion is a concept that we all applaud. Normatively we tend to agree that it is a goal societies should pursue—and it is indeed a social and cultural value that most, if not quite all, societies profess to be based on. Social inclusiveness, cultural cohesion, communal values, a shared identity, mutual recognition, respectful dialogue, peaceful interaction, policies of integration: these are positively charged notions, aims indeed worth subscribing to.},
 keywords = {Inklusion; inclusion; soziale Integration; social integration; kulturelle Integration; cultural integration; Wertorientierung; value-orientation; Gemeinschaft; community; Identität; identity; Integrationspolitik; integration policy}}