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@article{ Landmann2008,
 title = {Identifying events using computer-assisted text analysis},
 author = {Landmann, Juliane and Züll, Cornelia},
 journal = {Social Science Computer Review},
 number = {4},
 pages = {483-497},
 volume = {26},
 year = {2008},
 issn = {0894-4393},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Events as elections, significant changes in laws, but also extreme weather conditions, may affect societal values and, consequently, public opinion. Accordingly, a central assumption for public opinion surveys in that respondents behavior is influenced by significant events. It is therefore necessary to consider the impact of potential events when designing a survey and, whenever possible, to control for these. To support the documentation of such social events, the authors have developed a procedure to identify events using computer-assisted text analysis. Event words are selected and grouped by means of exploratory factor analysis based on a comparison of a large text corpus that forms the reference for a smaller text corpus consisting of media items on significant events. As a result, the factors represent significant events during a specific time period. (author's abstract)},
 keywords = {statistische Analyse; Datengewinnung; Einsatz; deployment; newspaper; Computerlinguistik; data collection method; Datenverarbeitung; Antwortverhalten; statistical analysis; dictionary; computer; computational linguistics; European Social Survey; media event; Ereignis; Zeitung; Medienereignis; incident; Textanalyse; European Social Survey; Computer; Wörterbuch; response behavior; survey research; data capture; Umfrageforschung; data processing; Erhebungsmethode; text analysis}}