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@article{ Nur2015,
 title = {Reviews: 1. Kjetil Tronvoll and Daniel R. Mekonnen: The African Garrison State: human rights and political development in Eritrea; 2. Andebrhan Welde Giorgis (2014): Eritrea at a crossroads: a narrative of triumph, betrayal and hope},
 author = {Nur, Salih O.},
 journal = {Africa Spectrum},
 number = {1},
 pages = {99-103},
 volume = {50},
 year = {2015},
 issn = {1868-6869},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {politisches System; political independence; Eritrea; civil society; Strafvollzug; politisches Regime; Menschenrechte; change of government; Eritrea; opposition; Demokratie; politische Entwicklung; Opposition; human rights; Africa; political regime; democracy; politische Unabhängigkeit; political system; Zivilgesellschaft; Regierungswechsel; execution of sentence; political development; Afrika}}