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@article{ Wohlmuth2014,
 title = {Heterotopická jinočasovost pevnostního města Josefov: teoretické a výzkumné podněty},
 author = {Wohlmuth, Petr},
 journal = {Historická sociologie / Historical Sociology},
 number = {2},
 pages = {43–62},
 year = {2014},
 issn = {1804-0616},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This article is an attempt to present further results in the author’s continuing qualitative
field work among the historical war re-enactment societies of the fortress towns of Josefstadt and
Theresienstadt (from 2010). Michael Foucaults Heterotopic theory of places is used to shed light
on a wide range of ritualised social behaviour, centred around key symbols from the monarchical
military culture of the Enlightenment. New categories for the analysis of local context have been
created which are clearly compatible with Braudel’s theory of longue-duree, that is isophenomenological
historic-social objects, maintaining and transferring the original meaning of heterotopic