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@book{ Terminski2014,
 title = {Ochrona pracowników migrujących jako przedmiot aktywności regionalnych organizacji współpracy},
 author = {Terminski, Bogumil},
 year = {2014},
 pages = {46},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The aim of this article is the analysis of the documents concerning migrant workers` right
established by the regional international organizations. The international protection of migrant workers becomes a subject of interest of international institutions for nearly a hundred years. The most important universal documents devoted to this issue include ILO Convention No. 97 (1949), ILO Convention No. 143 (1975) and the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (1990). Since late fifties and sixties we are observing the development of the documents concerning migrant workers established within the framework of the European Coal and Steel
Community, the European Economic Community, and the Council of Europe. In recent years we are
observing activities on the behalf of the protection and assistance of migrant workers initiated by the League of Arab States, African Union, Organization of American States and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. The aim of this article is the analysis of provisions of the regional documents concerning international labour migrations and the protection and assistance of migrant workers. I will closely examine
the current effectivity and the prospects of the institutionalization and the development of this issue within the framework of regional institutions. I will closely examine the other spheres and mechanisms of activities of regional organizations devoted to the protection and assistance of migrant workers and the members of
their families.},
 keywords = {labor migration; EU; Menschenrechte; Migration; international law; ILO; international migration; internationales Recht; human rights; Arbeitsmigration; ILO; migration; internationale Wanderung; EU}}