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@article{ Maslova2012,
 title = {The typology of intertextual interaction M. Maeterlinck's play "Blue Bird" and i.d. Surguchev's  tale "Governor"},
 author = {Maslova, Julia Pavlovna},
 journal = {Modern Research of Social Problems},
 number = {2},
 pages = {16},
 year = {2012},
 issn = {2218-7405},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Purpose:  To consider, how specificity intertextual communications to lead 
I.D.Surguchev's tale and M.Meterlink's play-fairy tale are determined by a genre originality of a literary work. 
Methodology: The basic methods is the  intertextual analysis and the historicaltypological method, allowing to reveal interrelation of  I.D. Surguchev's creativity 
with previous literary traditions.
Results:  It was suggested an  analyzed of intertextual layer I.D.Surguchev's 
tale «The Governor» as generation of text and genre conditioning factors that bring 
up to date the genre form of hagiography. It was  discovered the mechanism of  generation and functioning of intertextuality, that made a conditional of genre originality 
of the work  as the «Easter tale», outlined its intertextual relation to a wider range of 
Practical implications:  The concepts staticized in article and the formulated 
conclusions can be used at theory of intertextuality to a problem of genre generating. 
Theoretical conclusions and a research material can be used on lecture and a practical 
training on history of the Russian literature of the XX-th century, by working out of 
seminars and the special courses devoted to studying of the literature of first half of 
the XX-th century, literary study of local lore, and also I.D.Surguchev's  creativity at 
philological faculties of high schools, in practice of school teaching.},