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@article{ Dietrich2001,
 title = {Autopoiese und Konstruktivismus als Fundament einer neuen Sichtweise der Unternehmenskultur},
 author = {Dietrich, Andreas},
 journal = {Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik},
 number = {2},
 pages = {181-202},
 volume = {2},
 year = {2001},
 issn = {1439-880X},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {"Der Beitrag kennzeichnet die Ablösung herkömmlicher Kulturgestaltungsstrategien durch ein innovatives Kulturentwicklungskonzept. Vertreter des traditionellen Kulturmanagements sehen in Unternehmenskulturen gezielt beeinflussbare Erfolgsfaktoren. Entsprechend einer innovativen symbolischen Kulturauffassung stellen Kulturen jedoch autopoietische Systeme dar, die sich externen Einflussnahmen weitgehend entziehen. Vorgehensweisen einer gezielten Kulturveränderung müssen deshalb vorsichtigen Modifikationen von Rahmenbedingungen weichen." (Autorenreferat)"This article describes the replacement of traditional strategies for designing corporate culture with an innovative concept of cultural evolution in enterprises. The traditional method regard cultures as designable insturments which can be used to achieve management goals. In a cmplex and dynamic world, this view has become obsolete and must be replaced with a symbolic view of corporate culture. Corporate cultures should be regarded as autopoietic systems. Because of their endogenous orientation, autopoietic systems cannot be designed in a straightforward manner. Thus, strategies for designing cultures must be replaced with a careful cultural management whose activities are restrained to cautious modifications of general conditions such as organizational structures or the behavior of employees. One important means to achieve those modifications is to promote organizational learning." (author's abstract)},
 keywords = {Systemtheorie; system theory; Autopoiesis; autopoiesis; Selbstorganisation; self-organization; Innovation; innovation; Unternehmen; enterprise; kulturelle Faktoren; cultural factors; Konstruktivismus; constructivism; Unternehmenskultur; organizational culture; Kommunikation; communication; Selbstreferenz; self-reference}}