

@article{ Insuasty Rodriguez2011,
 title = {Fraternidad para la vida digna de los pueblos},
 author = {Insuasty Rodriguez, Alfonso},
 journal = {Revista El Agora USB},
 number = {2},
 pages = {425-432},
 volume = {11},
 year = {2011},
 issn = {1657-8031},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This text aims to connect some lines and routes of analysis as contribution to the debate which is reappearing in Latin America around the third non-developed component of modernity: Fraternity. That is why it will be approached from a political dimension, which is proper to modernity and the proposal of Franciscan philosophy.},
 keywords = {liberation; soziale Bewegung; social movement; Latin America; social support; social situation; soziales Verhalten; Emanzipation; sozialer Wandel; soziale Unterstützung; emancipation; Befreiung; social change; soziale Lage; social behavior; Lateinamerika}}