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@article{ Pulikov2012,
 title = {Relationship of physical development and sexual dimorphism with adaptive capabilities youth},
 author = {Pulikov, Anatoly and Moscalenko, Olga},
 journal = {Modern Research of Social Problems},
 number = {1},
 pages = {11},
 year = {2012},
 issn = {2218-7405},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Based on anthropometric and functional studies of sexual dimorphism, physical 
development, the vegetative nervous system tone and its reactivity in 304 boys in 
Krasnoyarsk, found that young men of Krasnoyarsk have for the most part moderate 
and mild symptoms of the body structure of the opposite sex and the indices sexual 
dimorphism are ginekomorfnomu and mesomorphic body types (92,3%). Among these 
types, about 63% of boys ginekomorfnogo type and 47,4% of boys have mesomorphic 
type somatic criteria evnuhoidizme. Boys ginekomorfnogo body type have obvious 
signs of gracilization and include a 84,6% to asthenic somatotype.
A total mass of the young men observed the predominance of sympathetic tone 
and an acceptable adaptation (63,42%), stress adaptation mechanisms (36,58%).},
 keywords = {Russland; Russia; Sibirien; Siberia; körperliche Entwicklung; physical development; geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren; gender-specific factors; Geschlechterforschung; gender studies; Sexualverhalten; sex behavior; Jugend; youth; soziale Anpassung; social adjustment}}