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@article{ Machado Gomes2012,
 title = {In the name of the law: law, writing and deconstructiones},
 author = {Machado Gomes, Daniel},
 journal = {Lex Humana},
 number = {2},
 pages = {35-53},
 year = {2012},
 issn = {2175-0947},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Since it is imposed to thinking, deconstruction can be seen as a law, the Law itself. Deconstruction of law is to put it in the context of writing, to notice its submission to the différance, to the play in the language. The law of deconstruction acts in the deconstruction of law, revealing paradoxes and fragilities of juridical order, as well as concepts of natural law and human rights. Finally, deconstruction of law brings with it justice as undecidability, such as the obligation to make fair decisions, even when it is not possible to state the presence of justice. Law, writing and deconstruction converge then to justice, understood as the hospitality.},
 keywords = {Recht; law; Schreiben; writing; Gerechtigkeit; justice; Fachsprache; technical language; Schriftsprache; written language; Rechtsordnung; legal order; Dekonstruktivismus; deconstructivism}}