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@article{ Brie2010,
 title = {Life Expectancy in North-Western Transylvania (latter half of the 19th century – beginning of the 20th century)},
 author = {Brie, Mircea},
 journal = {Transylvanian Review},
 number = {3},
 pages = {34-49},
 volume = {19},
 year = {2010},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Our research on life expectancy started from analysing mortality in the counties of Bihor and Sătmar. We focused on different elements influencing mortality rate. The frequent mortality crises and daily life in the countryside in north-western Transylvania resulted in a low life expectancy at the time. The differing life expectancy by sex was influenced by the communities’ socio-economic and mental-cultural conditions at the time. There was also a considerable influence of meteorological conditions on life expectancy.},
 keywords = {Rumänien; Romania; Siebenbürgen; Transylvania; Lebenserwartung; life expectancy; Sterblichkeit; mortality; Kind; child; Gemeinde; municipality; ländlicher Raum; rural area; 19. Jahrhundert; nineteenth century; 20. Jahrhundert; twentieth century}}