Endnote export


%T The traditions of Russian and European perception of the state frontier in the conditions of transborder regional cooperation
%A Kosov, Yuri V.
%A Vovenda, Alexei V.
%J Baltic Region
%N 1
%P 5-10
%D 2012
%@ 2079-8555
%~ Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
%> https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-327426
%X The article focuses on the state frontier in
European and Russian political cultures as a
major instrument for developing trans-border
regional cooperation. The term ‘state frontier’
is defined through a prism of regional
integration processes. The authors examine
the role of trans-border relations between
Russia and the European Union in promoting
mutually beneficial strategic cooperation in
the Baltic Sea region.
Historical experience, geopolitical position,
national psychology and some other
factors shape common perceptions of the
state frontier in mass consciousness, which
can vary from country to country. The state
frontier is a key imperative of trans-border
regional cooperation. The trans-border relations
between Russia and the EU serve a
foundation for the development of strategic
partnership, and it is cross-border cooperation
in the Baltic Sea region that proves to
be most efficient in this respect. At present,
there are several cooperation mechanisms
and programmes in place which are aimed at
enhancing Russia — EU relations in the Baltic
Sea region. In the long-term perspective,
the development of regional integration
processes in the Baltic Sea region is seen as
one of the key elements for increasing and
strengthening strategic cooperation between
Russia and the EU.
%G en
%9 journal article
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info