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@article{ Safronovas2012,
 title = {An escape from the embrace of politics. A study into the cultures of remembrance as a means to encourage a historical dialogue in Lithuanian-Russian relations},
 author = {Safronovas, Vasilijus},
 journal = {Baltic Region},
 number = {2},
 pages = {4-12},
 year = {2012},
 issn = {2079-8555},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This article focuses on the factors inhibiting
a productive rethinking of the past
in contemporary Lithuanian-Russian relations.
The rethinking of the past is understood
as a process facilitating the reconsideration
of historical meanings through adjusting
them to the expectations and values
of the contemporary society. The author argues
that in this process historical research
— as an important tool for encouraging
the co-existence of communities —
should fulfil certain social functions. Having
chosen the Lithuanian-Russian communication
space as a case, the author emphasises
the need to develop an interest in mutual
knowledge of cultures of remembrance
in this space. Outlining the strategies specific
to the prevailing cultures of remembrance
in contemporary Russia and Lithuania,
the author addresses the issue of their
proper relationship, as well as that of the
appropriateness of historical policy. The
criminalisation of certain evaluations of the
past and the academic dialogue between
historians are regarded as two opposite extremes
of historical policy actually existing
in the Lithuanian-Russian communication
space. The author stresses that research
into the values and interpretations of the
past peculiar to certain social groups in
both Lithuania and Russia may be considered
as a basis for further development of
the historical dialogue. It is assumed that
such research may contribute to the improvement
in the field of politics of history.},
 keywords = {Russland; Russia; Litauen; Lithuania; bilaterale Beziehungen; bilateral relations; Geschichtspolitik; history politics; Koexistenz; coexistence; Vergangenheitsbewältigung; coming to terms with the past; Erinnerungskultur; culture of remembrance}}