

@article{ Pammer2000,
 title = {Economic growth and lower class investments in nineteenth century Austria},
 author = {Pammer, Michael},
 journal = {Historical Social Research},
 number = {1},
 pages = {25-48},
 volume = {25},
 year = {2000},
 issn = {0172-6404},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Die historische Studie untersucht das Investitionsverhalten der Unterschicht-Bevölkerung im alpinen Raum Österreichs zwischen 1820 und 1913. Nach einem kurzen Überblick über das Banken- und Kreditwesen zur Zeit der Habsburger Monarchie werden die Kapitalanlagen der Österreicher in Abhängigkeit von Familienstand, Alter, Gesamtvermögen und kulturellen/regionalen Merkmalen tabellarisch dargestellt. Besonderes Interesse gilt den Bestimmungsfaktoren für das jeweilige Investitionsverhalten und der Entscheidung zwischen den einzelnen Anlageformen. (ICI)'The paper examines investment behavior in the lower-class population in the Alpine lands of the Habsburg Monarchy between 1820 and 1913. In order to determine how the lowerclass population responded to institutional changes in the financial market, the paper distinguishes between investments in various kinds of assets and examines the specific preferences of the lower-class population for savings deposits, securities, private debt claims, cash, real estate and movable belongings. In addition to professional factors, the analysis uses overall wealth, family status, age, cultural and regional factors, and the time factor as independent variables. Finally, the article determines whether the structures of portfolios show any additional systematic variation that cannot be explained by the effect of those factors.' (author's abstract)},
 keywords = {Investition; 19. Jahrhundert; rural population; money market; historische Entwicklung; behavior; Austria; economic growth; Unterschicht; Österreich; Wirtschaftswachstum; investment; lower class; Landbevölkerung; finanzielle Situation; Sparen; historical development; Kapitalanlage; Geldmarkt; savings; financial investment; nineteenth century; Verhalten; financial situation}}