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@article{ Koole2009,
 title = {Pulling your self together: meditation promotes congruence between implicit and explicit self-esteem},
 author = {Koole, Sander L. and Govorun, Olesya and Cheng, Clara Michelle and Gallucci, Marcello},
 journal = {Journal of Experimental Social Psychology},
 number = {6},
 pages = {1220-1226},
 volume = {45},
 year = {2009},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Self-reported or explicit self-esteem frequently conflicts with indirectly assessed, implicit self-esteem. The present research investigated whether meditation may reduce such inner conflicts by promoting congruence between implicit and explicit self-esteem. Relative to control conditions, meditation led to greater congruence between explicit self-esteem, assessed via self-report, and implicit self-esteem, indicated by name letter preference (Studies 1 and 2). Low implicit self-esteem was further associated with a slow-down of explicit self-evaluation (Study 2), an effect that mediated the greater congruence between implicit and explicit self-esteem in the meditation condition. These results suggest that meditation encourages people to rely more on intuitive feelings of self-worth.},
 keywords = {meditation; Meditation}}