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@article{ Ohr1997,
 title = {Nationalsozialistische Versammlungspropaganda und Wahlerfolg der NSDAP: eine kausale Beziehung?},
 author = {Ohr, Dieter},
 journal = {Historical Social Research},
 number = {3/4},
 pages = {106-127},
 volume = {22},
 year = {1997},
 issn = {0172-6404},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Der Aufstieg der NSDAP in der Weimarer Republik zur größten deutschen Partei wurde maßgeblich durch die Propaganda-Aktivitäten der Partei verursacht, so zumindest die These, die der Autor empirisch nachprüft. Für 226 Gemeinden im hessischen Gebiet wurden die politischen Versammlungen des Zeitraums April 1931 bis Juli 1932 erfaßt; als Grundlage dienten vor allem Statistiken und Genehmigungslisten von Polizei und Kreisbehörden. Die Versammlungsintensität wurde nun korreliert mit den Wahlergebnissen sowie dem Mitgliederzuwachs. Die Aggregatdatenanalyse führt zu dem Ergebnis, daß zwischen Propaganda und Wahlerfolg durchaus eine kausale Beziehung nachweisbar ist, wenn dies natürlich nicht der einzige Grund für den Erfolg der Nationalsozialisten ist. (pra)"The question of whether NSDAP propaganda could have furthered the party's rise in the Weimar elections has been controversially discussed for decades. However, the scholarly debate in the past suffered from an almost complete lack of solid empirical evidence. According to recent empirical analysis for a sample of 226 communities, the NSDAP's political meetings have a significant and positive effect on the National Socialists' electoral success. Yet, to interpret this empirical relationship in a causal way will be risky as is often the case within the analysis of communication effects. In this article I am going to pursue two strategies which should shed some light on the validity of a causal interpretation. Firstly, it is tested whether the impact of the NSDAP's public meetings differs between subregions and/or fades away in some of the subregions. Secondly, it is examined whether including an indicator of informal mobilization processes in the analysis weakens the impact of NSDAP propaganda. Both steps of the empirical analysis reveal that the effect of the NSDAP's propaganda on its election results is almost unchanged. Therefore, the results presented in the article strengthen a causal interpretation of the relationship between NSDAP propaganda and the party's rise. Although a definite proof is not possible, the election propaganda of the National Socialists almost certainly made an important contribution to the rise of the NSDAP in the Weimar elections." (author's abstract)},
 keywords = {Bundesrepublik Deutschland; propaganda; Weimarer Republik; party; Hessen; membership; National Socialist German Workers' Party; Nationalsozialismus; Federal Republic of Germany; Weimar Republic (Germany, 1918-33); Partei; Wahlergebnis; Mitgliedschaft; Nazism; Hesse; Propaganda; election result; NSDAP}}