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@article{ Schielberg2009,
 title = {Cross-border co-operation of the Russian region Kaliningrad with Poland and Lithuania: obstacles and opportunities},
 author = {Schielberg, Silke},
 journal = {Baltic Region},
 number = {2},
 pages = {111-116},
 year = {2009},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This article analyses the cross-border co-operation between the Kaliningrad Region and the neighbouring Polish and Lithuanian regions. It provides, firstly, a short overview of the cross-border co-operation formation and development. The author outlines the present-day co-operation structures. Secondly, the article reviews the asymmetries that hinder the cross-border co-operation. Finally, it offers some examples of the cross-border cultural and social projects proving that the co-operation under difficult conditions can be successful. The analysis is based on the author's empirical research and interviews with regional experts.},
 keywords = {Lithuania; grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit; EU; cross-border cooperation; Grenzgebiet; Polen; politische Entwicklung; Russland; Euroregion; Russia; Litauen; border region; Euroregion; Poland; political development; EU}}