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@article{ Olwig2005,
 title = {Representation and alienation in the political land-scape},
 author = {Olwig, Kenneth R.},
 journal = {Cultural Geographies},
 number = {1},
 pages = {19-40},
 volume = {12},
 year = {2005},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The question of representation in the definition of landscape is arguably at the                nexus of important theoretical issues in the social sciences and humanities, and is                in evident need of clarification. A key but largely overlooked concept in the debate                on landscape and representation is the concept of alienation and, by extension, the                concepts of commodification and reification. This paper will first examine the                relation between landscape representation and alienation in terms of its substantive                historical meaning, the transferral of ownership of rights in the land=property and                the loss of rights which effectively makes one an alien, or foreigner, in the land.                It will then examine this relationship in terms of the philosophical concern with                alienation and objectification, particularly as explicated by the literary scholar                and philosopher Georg Lukaacs.},