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@article{ Lubbers2005,
 title = {Political versus Instrumental Euro-scepticism: Mapping Scepticism in European countries and regions},
 author = {Lubbers, Marcel and Scheepers, Peer},
 journal = {European Union Politics},
 number = {2},
 pages = {223-242},
 volume = {6},
 year = {2005},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {In this contribution we demonstrate that European citizens distinguish between political and instrumental Euro-scepticism and indicate the extent to which these Euro-sceptic positions are endorsed. Data from 143,367 European citizens in 15 countries and 182 regions show that political Euroscepticism constitutes a cumulative evaluation in each European country. European citizens who are Euro-sceptic on international policies are also Euro-sceptic on joint decisions on immigration policies and sociocultural policies. Moreover, we notice that political Euro-scepticism is modestly correlated with instrumental Euro-scepticism. We explore the extent to which both forms of Euro-scepticism vary between countries and regions and to what extent the percentages of missing values on these measurements affect the degree of Euro-scepticism at the national and regional level. This contribution shows that research on Euro-scepticism to date is skewed by a focus on instrumental Euro-scepticism.},