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@article{ Hausmann2008,
 title = {Communication and Group Perception: Extending the `Saying is Believing' Effect},
 author = {Hausmann, Leslie R. M. and Levine, John M. and Tory Higgins, E.},
 journal = {Group Processes & Intergroup Relations},
 number = {4},
 pages = {539-554},
 volume = {11},
 year = {2008},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The saying-is-believing (SIB) effect occurs when tailoring a message to suit an audience influences a communicator's subsequent memories and impressions about the communication topic. Previous studies were restricted to one-person audiences and individuals as the communication topic. The present studies explored the SIB effect with multiple-person audiences and groups as the communication topic. In Study 1, the SIB effect occurred with a 1-person, but not a 3-person, audience. In Study 2, the SIB effect occurred with a 3-person audience when the audience explicitly validated communicators' messages. These findings demonstrate the generalizability of the SIB effect to group contexts, provide further evidence for a shared reality interpretation of this effect, and suggest a potentially important mechanism underlying stereotype development.},