

@article{ Lehr2007,
 title = {The value of 'dialogue events' as sites of learning: an exploration of research & evaluation frameworks},
 author = {Lehr, Jane L. and McCallie, Ellen and Davies, Sarah R. and Caron, Brandiff R. and Gammon, Benjamin and Duensing, Sally},
 journal = {International Journal of Science Education},
 number = {12},
 pages = {1467-1487},
 volume = {29},
 year = {2007},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {In this article, we draw from our experiences as UK and US-based 'dialogue event' practitioners and researchers/ evaluators to suggest that these existing evaluative criteria are insufficient to explore the role and value of ISI-based 'dialogue events'. Instead, we suggest that it may be productive to research and evaluate these ISI-based 'dialogue events' as sites of learning. Secondly, however, we show through a discussion of our own research frameworks that understanding these 'dialogue events' as sites of learning does not intuitively provide a framework for understanding what counts as success for these efforts. Instead, research on the role of 'dialogue' within the educational literature – and the connections between 'dialogue' and competing understandings of the nature of science and society – offers a multiplicity of approaches to defining the terms and goals of these events. Finally, we identify two broader implications of researching and evaluating these 'dialogue events' as sites of learning for ISIs and all efforts to increase public engagement with science and technology.},