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@article{ Dittrich2001,
 title = {Iterated mutual observation with genetic programming},
 author = {Dittrich, Peter and Kron, Thomas and Kuck, Christian and Banzhaf, Wolfgang},
 journal = {Sozionik aktuell},
 number = {2},
 pages = {10},
 year = {2001},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {"This paper introduces a simple model of interacting agents that learn to
predict each other. For learning to predict the other's intended action we
apply genetic programming. The strategy of an agent is rational and fixed. It
does not change like in classical iterated prisoners dilemma models. Furthermore the number of actions an agent can choose from is infinite. Preliminary
simulation results are presented. They show that by varying the population
size of genetic programming, different learning characteristics can easily be
achieved, which lead to quite different communication patterns." (author's abstract)},
 keywords = {Handlung; soziales Dilemma; Akteur; attempt; Simulation; interaction; behavior model; behavior prognosis; social actor; action; experiment; social dilemma; Technologie; Versuch; Verhalten; simulation; observation; behavior; pilot project; Verhaltensprognose; Experiment; model; Modell; Verhaltensmodell; Beobachtung; Modellversuch; Interaktion; technology}}