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@article{ Reuband2008,
 title = {Die Leserschaft des "Stürmer" im Dritten Reich: soziale Zusammensetzung und antisemitische Orientierungen},
 author = {Reuband, Karl-Heinz},
 journal = {Historical Social Research},
 number = {4},
 pages = {214-254},
 volume = {33},
 year = {2008},
 issn = {0172-6404},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {'On the basis of a secondary analysis of a nationwide face-to-face survey of the 'Institut für Demoskopie' from 1949 (N=1.915) it is analyzed how many Germans ever read the Nazi-weekly 'Der Stürmer' in times of the Third Reich and what kind of attitudes went along with it. It is shown that a majority ever read articles in the paper, often in a notice board erected in public spaces. Men and higher educated had a disproportionate share among the readers; the major reason for it is to be seen in their general use of mass media. Whoever read the 'Stürmer' had a higher chance than others to have anti-Semitic attitudes in times of the survey. Furthermore men more often had anti-Semitic attitudes than females and younger more often than older people. With regard to education the relationship was less clear cut. However, one thing can be taken for granted: whether higher educated people endorse prejudice more often than other educational groupings is not a matter of cognitive competence, but a function of historical circumstances.' (author's abstract)|},
 keywords = {Bürger; education; antisemitism; Leserforschung; Religionszugehörigkeit; Frau; Nationalsozialismus; Massenmedien; historical analysis; Jugendlicher; religious affiliation; Nazism; reader (person); Vorurteil; Leser; man; citizen; Lebensalter; Zeitschrift; mass media; Bildung; historische Analyse; attitude; adolescent; readership research; woman; Mann; Drittes Reich; Antisemitismus; periodical; age; prejudice; Einstellung; Third Reich}}