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@book{ 2003,
 title = {Transatlantic dialogue on China: final report},
 year = {2003},
 series = {DGAP-Analyse},
 pages = {26},
 volume = {22},
 address = {Berlin},
 publisher = {Forschungsinstitut der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V.},
 issn = {1611-7034},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {"The rise of China in the 21st century signals a major political, strategic, and economic shift in the global system, which will create new challenges as well as opportunities for the United States and Europe. A better understanding of American and European perspectives on China's future and its international role is vital to the future of the transatlantic alliance and to the joint and cooperative management of the strategic relationship with China during a period of profound changes in the global system, in Asia, and in Europe." (author's abstract)},
 keywords = {international relations; foreign policy; Asia; Verteidigungspolitik; international trade policy; transnationale Beziehungen; Kooperation; wirtschaftliche Integration; Europa; defense policy; commerce; economic integration; internationale Politik; security policy; transatlantische Beziehungen; United States of America; export; Europe; Taiwan; Wirtschaftsabkommen; Handel; Technologietransfer; economic agreement; WTO; USA; Außenpolitik; WTO; Export; Wirtschaft; domestic policy; China; international politics; international economics; technology transfer; transnational relations; economic cooperation; international economic relations; wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit; China; Asien; Innenpolitik; internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen; Sicherheitspolitik; Außenwirtschaft; Taiwan; Außenwirtschaftspolitik; transatlantic relations; economy; internationale Beziehungen; cooperation}}