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@book{ Mölling2023,
 title = {Security, Industry, and the Lost European Vision (#EDINA II): How Russia's War in Ukraine is Changing the European Defense Technological and Industrial Base},
 author = {Mölling, Christian and Hellmonds, Sören},
 year = {2023},
 series = {DGAP Report},
 pages = {61},
 volume = {10},
 address = {Berlin},
 publisher = {Forschungsinstitut der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V.},
 issn = {2198-5936},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The DGAP, in collaboration with the Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation, initiated the EDINA project to examine the post-2022 European Defense Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB) after Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Drawing insights from defense experts across NATO members, the study highlights the evolving European defense landscape, emphasizing security of supply concerns and the balance between national and EU initiatives. The report underscores pivotal forthcoming decisions in Europe's defense amidst changing geopolitical dynamics.},
 keywords = {Sicherheitspolitik; security policy; Verteidigungspolitik; defense policy; EU; EU; Russland; Russia; Ukraine; Ukraine; Krieg; war; Rüstungsindustrie; defense industry; Verteidigung; defense; Technologie; technology; Versorgung; supply; Geopolitik; geopolitics}}