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@article{ Vasilescu2018,
 title = {Command and control strategies in a broader hybrid combat environment},
 author = {Vasilescu, Cezar},
 journal = {Journal of Defense Resources Management},
 number = {1},
 pages = {5-11},
 volume = {9},
 year = {2018},
 issn = {2247-6466},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The main goal of this paper is to analyze the new theoretical concepts that provide a vision regarding the future armed conflicts, determined by the technological advance and the increased dynamics of the information flows between different levels of authority within modern societies. The paper starts with an analysis of today's international environment (characterized by the existence of competing cultural contexts and political opinions which generate frictions, crisis and eventually military conflict), followed by a comprehensive plea regarding the necessity of changing the current military operating concepts. Finally there are presented two solutions that address the desired conceptual change, which fit the uncertainty of future conflicts: the "Army Operating Concept" developed by the US Army Training and Doctrine Command, and "Future Operating Environment 2035", developed by the UK Concepts and Doctrine Centre's (DCDC).},
 keywords = {militärischer Konflikt; military conflict; Kriegsführung; warfare; neue Technologie; new technology; Militär; military}}