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@article{ Bozzon2022,
 title = {Independent or Dependent? European Labour Statistics and Their (In)ability to Identify Forms of Dependency in Self-employment},
 author = {Bozzon, Rossella and Murgia, Annalisa},
 journal = {Social Indicators Research},
 number = {1},
 pages = {199-226},
 volume = {160},
 year = {2022},
 issn = {1573-0921},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {In the studies on labour market change and transformation of employment relations, the growth of new forms of self-employment, including platform work, has raised a broad debate about how to define, classify, and analyse the wide range of positions within the heterogeneous category of self-employed workers. This article analyses the emergent methodologies used in European comparative labour statistics to identify forms of dependency in self-employment. Using the 6th wave of the 2015 European Working Condition Survey and the 2017 ad hoc module on self-employment from the European Labour Force Survey, this article discusses how the representation of dependent self-employment changes by adopting a different operationalization of economic and operational dependency. Findings show how different indicators of dependency change the representation of self-employment in different economic sectors, affecting our understanding of the transformation of working arrangements within self-employment and the boundaries between employment and self-employment.},
 keywords = {berufliche Selbständigkeit; self-employment; Abhängigkeit; dependence; wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeit; economic dependence; Wirtschaftssektor; economic sector; Selbständiger; self-employed person}}