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@article{ Saliho2018,
 title = {Stylistic Features of Interview Genre in the Russian-Language Print Media of Tajikistan},
 author = {Saliho, Nurali Nazarovich and Mulloyev, Sharif Bokiyevich and Abdullozoda, Masrur Ahmad and Rahimov, Abduhamit Abdibosirovich and Aminov, Azim Sadykovich},
 journal = {Media Watch},
 number = {2},
 pages = {219-232},
 volume = {9},
 year = {2018},
 issn = {0976-0911},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {The article reveals the tendencies in language norms development. Language
transformation is a natural phenomenon, but certain permissible limits, regulating
literary and stylistic norms of publicistic language are also important. The linguistic
and stylistic features characterizing the language of modern interviews are formed
under the influence of the modern Russian language, which is affected by scientific
and technological progress as well as globalization. The main trends in the
development of the Russian language and the language of interviews today are
the reduction of words, the use of abbreviations, typed language constructions,
phraseological units, borrowings, terms, professionalisms, dialectisms, argotisms,
and slang expressions. The article studies the characteristic features of the popular
publicistic interview genre, identifies its distinctive features and classifies
interviews types. The interview texts are analyzed as a dictum dialogical
construction. Particular attention is paid to the linguistic features of interview
texts in the Russian-language print media of Tajikistan.},