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@book{ Janjua2009,
 title = {Skill acquisition and the significance of informal training system in Pakistan - some policy implications},
 author = {Janjua, Shehryar and Naveed, Arif},
 year = {2009},
 series = {RECOUP Policy Brief},
 pages = {5},
 volume = {7},
 address = {Cambridge},
 publisher = {University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education, Research Consortium on Educational Outcomes and Poverty (RECOUP)},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Whilst the informal sector is a major provider of skills for the bulk of Pakistan's labour force, its crucial role has largely been overlooked in policy making. There is a need to undertake effective interventions in the informal training system to enhance the quality of skills and incomes of its participants, and thereby improve the employment prospects of a majority of the country's labour force.},
 keywords = {vocational education; training (sports); Berufsbildung; employment; Pakistan; Training; training; Pakistan; Ausbildung; Beschäftigung}}