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@book{ Freschi2009,
 title = {Making eParticipation policy - a European analysis: social and political trends in eParticipation:  the public policy and the civil society perspectives},
 editor = {Freschi, Anna Carola and Coleman, Stephen and Mambrey, Peter},
 year = {2009},
 series = {DEMO-net Booklet Series},
 pages = {57},
 volume = {14.2 & 14.4},
 publisher = {DEMO-Net Consortium},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The creative and disruptive characteristics of digital networks have profound consequences for the production of citizenship, which has always been technologically constructed, but now derives its significance from a tension between elite intentions and network flows. Our aim in this paper is to explore this tension empirically by interrogating the process of policy-making with regard to eParticipation in six European countries.},
 keywords = {civil society; electronic democracy; network; computervermittelte Kommunikation; Internet; computer-mediated communication; network society; Europa; Deliberation; Netzwerk; citizens' participation; deliberation; neue Medien; new media; politische Partizipation; Europe; international comparison; Bürgerbeteiligung; Partizipation; elektronische Demokratie; Netzwerkgesellschaft; political participation; participation; internationaler Vergleich; Internet; Zivilgesellschaft}}