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@article{ DiMasso Tarditti2007,
 title = {Usos retóricos del espacio público: la organización discursiva de un espacio en conflicto},
 author = {DiMasso Tarditti, Andrés},
 journal = {Athenea Digital: Revista de Pensamiento e Investigacion Social},
 number = {11},
 pages = {1-22},
 year = {2007},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {In this paper I explore the discursive use of public space, understood as a rhetorical resource for localized social action. Analysing several extracts of written documents and in-depth interviews, I focus on the rhetorical use of space-formulations and constructions of people-in-place relations by social and institutional agents confronted by the physical definition of a space in conflict. The discursive work includes the rhetorical management of culturally and ideologically organized constructions of urban territoriality, argumentative uses of localized social categories and behaviour-scripts for the performance of normative patterns of coexistence in the public space, and rhetorical work on spatially rooted symbolic processes. The purpose is to contribute to a critical examination of conflictive sociospatial phenomena from a discursive approach, seeking to make visible the social tensions involved in the deliberate attempt to control and organize urban space.},
 keywords = {management; Management}}