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@article{ Velasco2008,
 title = {Cultural rights at the crossroads / Los derechos culturales en la encrucijada},
 author = {Velasco, Juan Carlos},
 journal = {Contrastes: Revista cultural},
 number = {52},
 pages = {155-160},
 year = {2008},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {In this globalized world, the rights of cultural minorities are periodically questioned, displaced, denied and forgotten. The defence of identity based on culture, which is referred to in Article 27 of the Declaration, raises many questions due to its innately individual character in contrast with the universality of these rights.},
 keywords = {culture; cultural diversity; kulturelle Vielfalt; Minderheit; human dignity; Menschenrechte; Menschenwürde; minority; Kultur; Minderheitenrecht; minority rights; human rights}}