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@article{ Tenney2016,
 title = {Data-Driven Participation: Algorithms, Cities, Citizens, and Corporate Control},
 author = {Tenney, Matthew and Sieber, Renee},
 journal = {Urban Planning},
 number = {2},
 pages = {101-113},
 volume = {1},
 year = {2016},
 issn = {2183-7635},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {In this paper, we critically explore the interplay of algorithms and civic participation in visions of a city governed by equation, sensor and tweet. We begin by discussing the rhetoric surrounding techno-enabled paths to participatory democracy. This leads to us interrogating how the city is impacted by a discourse that promises to harness social/human capital through data science. We move to a praxis level and examine the motivations of local planners to adopt and increasingly automate forms of VGI as a form of citizen engagement. We ground theory and praxis with a report on the uneven impacts of algorithmic civic participation underway in the Canadian city of Toronto.},
 keywords = {Partizipation; participation; Algorithmus; algorithm; Bürgerbeteiligung; citizens' participation; Stadtentwicklung; urban development; Kanada; Canada; bürgerschaftliches Engagement; citizens' involvement; Stadtplanung; urban planning}}