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@article{ Lima2015,
 title = {Characterization of theses and dissertations about nursing care in oncology},
 author = {Lima, Kálya Yamine Nunes de and Barros, Adriana Gonçalves de and Santos, Viviane Euzébia Pereira},
 journal = {Revista de Pesquisa: Cuidado é Fundamental Online},
 number = {2},
 pages = {2550-2560},
 volume = {7},
 year = {2015},
 issn = {2175-5361},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Objective: To characterize the dissertations and theses available in nursing Theses Database Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) that deal with care in oncology. Method: Documentary research conducted in Journal Portal CAPES, in February 2013. Results: The sample consisted of 62 studies , 47 (75,80%) dissertations and 15 (24,20%) theses. The universities that have produced more on the subject were the University of São Paulo, with 21 (33,87%) studies and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro with 10 (16,12%) jobs. Prevailed qualitative research (56,45%). Humanization of Care, Care, Assessment and evaluation strategies in nursing care and health/safety of the worker: the following thematic categories were listed. Conclusion: The majority of research postgraduate in oncology focused in the Southeast, with masters programs the highest producers in recent years, highlighting the qualitative methodological approach to development.},
 keywords = {Krankenpflege; nursing; Krebs; cancer; Forschung; research; Humanisierung; humanization; Bewertung; evaluation; Gesundheit; health; Arbeitssicherheit; on-the-job safety; Pflegepersonal; nursing staff; Brasilien; Brazil; Lateinamerika; Latin America; Südamerika; South America}}