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@article{ Borowski2014,
 title = {Służba Więzienna a współdziałanie w systemie
 author = {Borowski, Andrzej},
 journal = {International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences},
 number = {13},
 pages = {110-121},
 year = {2014},
 issn = {2300-2697},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {Prison service in view of total character and place of executable task is enforced affirmation of safety on purpose for with other discretional groups for optimization of operation society having cooperation. Operations related with assuring safety and there must be fitted cooperation affect for potential sources of threats new threats systematically appearing forcefully.},
 keywords = {Justizvollzugsanstalt; correctional institution; Sicherheit; security; totale Institution; total institution}}