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@article{ Rodrigues2016,
 title = {Stress in patients submitted to drug therapy},
 author = {Rodrigues, Andrea Bezerra and Oliveira, Patrícia Peres de and Ferreira, Lúcia Pinel Talignani and Manzan, Claudia Sales and Araújo, Ione and Hiratsuka, Magali Kimie Buno},
 journal = {Revista de Pesquisa: Cuidado é Fundamental Online},
 number = {2},
 pages = {4487-4500},
 volume = {8},
 year = {2016},
 issn = {2175-5361},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Objective: evaluating the level of stress in oncology patients receiving anticancer treatment; which stressors
are referring to this situation and examining the relationship of the same with sociodemographic variables
and oncologic disease. Method: a descriptive, exploratory study, quantitative, performed in an oncohematology
ward of a private hospital of large size, located in São Paulo. There was used a form containing
sociodemographic information and instrument for the assessment of stress (Inventory Lipp Stress Symptoms).
Results: most of the female participants (56,0%), aged 41-50 years old (34,0%) had gastrointestinal cancer
(31,0%), 78,0% of patients had stress, and nausea and alopecia side effects most cited, both with 16,0%,
making it the biggest stressors under treatment. Conclusion: a significant proportion of patients suffered
from stress. Thus, it is essential to monitor the nursing for cancer patients so they can better cope with the
disease and treatment.},
 keywords = {Krebs; cancer; stationäre Behandlung; inpatient treatment; psychische Belastung; psychological stress; Stress; psychophysical stress; Therapie; therapy; Krankenpflege; nursing; Brasilien; Brazil; Südamerika; South America}}