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@article{ Parreira2015,
 title = {O uso de filmes na Clínica Comportamental: Procurando Nemo},
 author = {Parreira, Priscilla Maria Santana and Parreira, Geralda Aparecida Rosa},
 journal = {Revista Desafios},
 number = {2},
 pages = {169-184},
 volume = {1},
 year = {2015},
 issn = {2359-3652},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {This paper aims to present the importance of movies in behavioral clinic, Inducing professionals, parents / guardians to use the insertion of films that frequently are shown manner fictitiously instigating the dynamic of interpersonal relationship as well as conducive ways of experiencing in society. The subject since work theorizes the use of films in behavioral clinical, as it behaviorism believes the behavior as action and reaction, by building specific stimuli which are in your space condicente reality. The stimuli brought about through the middle affect the conduct of the subject, so it is possible to interfere this behavior, through harmonic stimuli, In accordance with the individual behavior deficiency, therefore can create, reinforce or inhibit or not desirable behaviors. The work is based on theoretical research, literature review and analysis of cinematographic art. Where we work in tease out of the situational variables: stimulus, behavior and consequent stimulus. In the results achieved observes the positive utility of films as resources for work in clinical behavioral focused the learning of societal behaviors, argumentation, perception of reality, humor among others. Inspiring, personal development through of cinematographic art.},