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@article{ Reinke1981,
 title = {Towards standards for the description of machine-readable historical data},
 author = {Reinke, Herbert},
 journal = {Historical Social Research},
 number = {2},
 pages = {3-10},
 volume = {6},
 year = {1981},
 issn = {0172-6404},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Some years ago, the Center for Historical Social Research has started to archive and to disseminate machine-readable historical data for comparative and for secondary analyses.
(1) This work has been accompanied by the development of a specific instrument for describing machine-readable historical data. This instrument has to meet the information needs of users of machine-readable historical data, information needs which are different to those of the users of machinereadable survey data. In this paper, standards for the description of machine-readable historical data are proposed which are also designed to become reporting standards for primary researchers in describing their data.},
 keywords = {electronic data processing; historical social research; historische Sozialforschung; data bank; Datenbank; EDV; data; Daten; data preparation; Datenaufbereitung}}