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@article{ Bresler2014,
 title = {Социально-философские аспекты кластерно-сетевого анализа},
 author = {Bresler, Mihkail G. and Terenin, Nikita I.},
 journal = {Nauka -},
 number = {8},
 pages = {1-10},
 year = {2014},
 issn = {2311-8814},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Studying the network of interpersonal and intergroup interactions between individuals / groups of individuals is carried out with the help of mathematical models. This type of study is called cluster-network analysis. In this article, based on years of his own research in this area is represented by adapting the analysis of networking in terms of social philosophy. Inconclusive nature of the relationship stratification in online communities and describes a method of calculation of social capital.},
 keywords = {social philosophy; Cluster-Analyse; soziales Netzwerk; Sozialphilosophie; social capital; cluster analysis; Sozialkapital; social network}}