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@article{ Forte2004,
 title = {Long-term field research in anthropology},
 author = {Forte, Maximilian C.},
 journal = {Historical Social Research},
 number = {2},
 pages = {133-141},
 volume = {29},
 year = {2004},
 issn = {0172-6404},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Chronicling Cultures provides readers with detailed
case histories of ethnographic projects that are longterm
in duration, lasting decades in some cases and often
involving multiple collaborators and new generations of researchers.
The central theme of the text is that extended
time spent in the field leads to both qualitative and quantitative
transformations in research. Contributors to the volume
examine these transformations with respect to the data gathering
process, the theoretical outcomes of long-term research,
the impacts on host communities and the many
problems and benefits of spending extended time in the
field through multiple revisits and restudies. The volume
will be of especial interest to those interested in the history
of anthropology and to a lesser degree those interested in
field methods. Amongst the shortcomings of the volume are
its somewhat loose thematic organization, the overly descriptive nature of many of the contributions, the narrow
range of cases selected and the lack of diverse perspectives.},
 keywords = {Dauer; Feldforschung; anthropology; field research; Ethnographie; duration; Anthropologie; ethnography}}