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@article{ Jordan2005,
 title = {Der deutsche Sieg bei der Weltmeisterschaft 1954: Mythos und Wunder oder historisches Ereignis?},
 author = {Jordan, Stefan},
 journal = {Historical Social Research},
 number = {4},
 pages = {263-287},
 volume = {30},
 year = {2005},
 issn = {0172-6404},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Still today for great parts of the German public
the German victory at the football world cup in Bern/Switzerland
in 1954 is a point of reference when national identification
is concerned. On the occasion of its 50th anniversary,
plenty of belletristic and scientific literary publications,
a feature film and audio as well as picture documentations
have been produced. Without reference to the respective
genre, the majority of these works tends to regard the
winning of the world cup as a „myth”, some even take it for
an origo myth of a national foundation. Apart from that, a
striking feature is the personifying point of view, putting
special emphasis on the performance of individual figures
(Sepp Herberger, Fritz Walter, Herbert Zimmermann). Approaches
that focus on „Bern 1954” as a historic event are
rare: Attempts to present the winning of the title against the
background of the political history of the young Federal
Republic of Germany can sometimes be discovered. Examinations
with methods of daily life studies or the history
of mentalities remain to be done.},
 keywords = {Literatur; myth; Akteur; Sportler; Identitätsbildung; Trainer; match; social actor; historiography; Biographie; Geschichtsschreibung; Belletristik; fiction (literary genre); Fußball; Mythos; identity formation; Wettkampf; world championship; coach; nationale Identität; athlete; literature; biography; soccer; Weltmeisterschaft; national identity}}