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@incollection{ Priller1990,
 title = {Computereinsatz zur soziologischen Informationsgewinnung},
 author = {Priller, Eckhard},
 editor = {Gladitz, Johannes and Troitzsch, Klaus G.},
 year = {1990},
 booktitle = {Computer aided sociological research : proceedings of a workshop organized by the Research Committee 33 of the International Sociological Association and the Academy of Sciences of the GDR, held at Holzhau, GDR, October 2nd to 6th, 1989 ; draft as of 2nd July 1990 organized by the Research Committee 33 of the International Sociological Association and the Academy of Sciences of the GDR, held at Holzhau, GDR, October 2nd to 6th, 1989 ; draft as of 2nd July 1990},
 pages = {295-303},
 address = {Berlin},
 publisher = {Akad.-Verl.},
 isbn = {3-05-001758-9},
 abstract = {This chapter aims at making aware that social science Computer usage need not be restricted to  data analysis. Rather, Computer usage makes survey design, data collection and management easier, thus creating Information bases facilitating more comprehensive sociological analysis of higher quality. As an integral process
of sociological research required to secure the
availability of empirical material, it is primarily a process to identify the demands from  the grown complexity of sociological research,  to establish the methodological approach to the
identification of the process character and the  socio-structural determination of the factual situations studied, to safeguard the claims for  the preparation of forecasts, to reveal the
interdisciplinarity and to ensure international
comparisons. Data bases have a special importance for the application of Computers. This concerns
especially the use of data bases of existing
Information Systems, data bases of archives of  empirical investigation, data base in collections of questionaries and sociological research data
bases. (author's abstract)},
 keywords = {Computer; computer; Soziologie; sociology; Informationsgewinnung; information capture; Datenerfassung; data acquisition; Datenverarbeitung; data processing; Erhebungsmethode; data collection method; empirische Sozialforschung; empirical social research; Datenbank; data bank; Informationssystem; information system; Methodik; methodology; Datenaufbereitung; data preparation}}