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@book{ Witzel2014,
 title = {The problem-centred interview: Response to Jaber F. Gubrium's review of the new SAGE-book "The problem-centred interview" (Witzel/Reiter 2012) in Acta Sociologica 2013},
 author = {Witzel, Andreas and Reiter, Herwig},
 year = {2014},
 pages = {5},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Critical response to Jaber F. Gubrium's review of the new SAGE-book "The problem-centred interview" (Witzel/Reiter 2012) in Acta Sociologica 2013. The review is not what it is supposed to be: The result of a critical and scholarly examination of a textbook. And it is certainly not an invitation to international dialogue.},