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@book{ Hänel1998,
 title = {Das Ende vor dem Ende: zur Rolle der DDR-Energiewirtschaft beim Systemwechsel 1980-1990},
 author = {Hänel, Michael},
 year = {1998},
 series = {Occasional Papers in German Studies},
 pages = {32},
 volume = {15},
 address = {Edmonton},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {On 4 December 1989, one of the most ambitious projects to build atomic power plants
came to an end. Nevertheless, far away from any international safety level, the Russiandesigned
Greifswald Atomic Power Plant became the most dangerous undertaking to date
for the environment of the entire Northern Germany and Baltic Sea region. As the
cornerstone of the former East Germany’s atomic energy plan, the planned reactors were
to be the complete solution to any and all energy crises that might hit the weakened
state’s economy during the 1980s. Despite the billions invested, no reactor was started up
after 1979, thereby showing the East German leadership to be in need of reform. Since
1990, increased attention has focussed on the prominent role played in the decline of
socialist East Germany by the facts of Stasi’s suppression, the absence of freedom of
speech and domicile, and the enormous pollution of the environment. This is due to the
progress achieved in the analysis of Stasi’s files, beginning with the termed Opferakten
(surveillance files made by Stasi department XX). All these reasons, leading to the
collapse of the G.D.R., originated with the permanent energy crisis, which in turn resulted
from the collapse of the atomic energy plan. This article raises the question of whether the
self-satisfied East German systems had gotten into difficulties over energy and industrial
production due to pressure by those whom Harry Maier termed the Innovationsträgheit
(sluggishness of innovation). With the help of Stasi archives, the State party SED and
various Ministries, the motives, goals and planning of energy sector during the last
decade of G.D.R. as a state have been revealed. This article discusses both conventional
and unorthodox perceptions of atomic energy plan, from the bureaucracy and the
technical experts, and the question of whether there existed a way out of energy crisis. It
analyses the role of Stasi’s control in this part of the economy and the tragic capitulation
of East Germany’s Atomic Safety Agency, overwhelmed by the nuclear power plant’s
supervisor in 1988. Finally, it tries to point out to the co-operation of the Federal
Environmental Ministry and the East German bureaucracy and the last victory of ‘Eastern’
ideologues on this front of the Cold War.},
 keywords = {DDR; German Democratic Republic (GDR); Energiewirtschaft; energy industry; Energieerzeugung; energy production; Kernenergie; nuclear energy; Kernkraftwerk; nuclear power plant; Energiepolitik; energy policy; technische Entwicklung; technical development; Wirtschaftspolitik; economic policy; Wirtschaftsplanung; economic planning; Wirtschaftsbeziehungen; economic relations; UdSSR; USSR; Ministerium für Staatssicherheit; Ministry of State Security (GDR); historische Entwicklung; historical development}}