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@article{ Bosnjak2011,
 title = {Postvisit Destination Loyalty Judgments: Developing and Testing a Comprehensive Congruity Model},
 author = {Bosnjak, Michael and Sirgy, Joseph M. and Hellriegel, Sarah and Maurer, Oswin},
 journal = {Journal of Travel Research},
 number = {5},
 pages = {496-508},
 volume = {50},
 year = {2011},
 issn = {1356-7667},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Previous research has established the effect of self-congruity on both pre- and postvisit constructs, but its predictive power has appeared minimal. Departing from both classical and contemporary approaches to human needs and values, this study proposes a comprehensive model explaining more variance in postvisit destination loyalty judgments. The model comprises six explanatory variables, in addition to self-congruity: functional, hedonic, leisure, economic, safety, and m oral congruity. Based on a large-scale web survey among tourists (N = 973), the results provide good support for the proposed model (64% explained variance). Each of the seven congruity components exerts a significant influence on postvisit loyalty, but their
relative contributions differ considerably. Other than self-congruity, functional, hedonic, leisure, and safety congruity exert the greatest influence on postvisit loyalty judgments; in contrast, economic and moral congruity have lesser influences. The authors discuss the results in light of their theoretical and practical implications for destination marketing. (author's abstract)},
 keywords = {Erwartung; Selbstbild; self-image; Tourist; expectation; Urlaub; vacation; vacation destination; Bewertung; Urlaubsort; Motivation; Tourismus; evaluation; model construction; tourist; identity; motivation; Identität; tourism; Konsumverhalten; self-assessment; consumption behavior; Selbsteinschätzung; congruity theory; Kongruenztheorie; Modellentwicklung}}