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@article{ Mihai2013,
 title = {Estimations of flood waste from rural dumpsites located on floodplains from Neamt County, Romania},
 author = {Mihai, Florin-Constantin},
 journal = {Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Agriculture},
 number = {2},
 pages = {447-448},
 volume = {70},
 year = {2013},
 issn = {1843-5386},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Waste dumping is a serious environmental threat to major rivers from extra- Carpathian
Region of Neamţ county in the proximity of villages because the lack of waste collection services. In
this context, floodplains are frequently susceptible to such bad practices, these areas being also
exposed to stronger floods. The paper aims to calculate the potential waste taken from these areas
in order to assess a quantitative impact of these bad practices},
 keywords = {Abfallbeseitigung; garbage removal; Umweltbelastung; environmental impact; Umweltverschmutzung; environmental pollution; Fluss; river; Naturkatastrophe; natural disaster; ländlicher Raum; rural area; Rumänien; Romania}}